Monsanto - a Vila Portuguesa construĂda entre rochas
Monsanto (ou Monsanto da Beira) é uma aldeia histórica de Portugal construída em pedra granítica, avista-se na encosta de uma grande elevação escarpada, designada de o Cabeço de Monsanto (Mons Sanctus). Situa-se a nordeste de Idanha-a-Nova e irrompe repentinamente do vale. No ponto mais alto o seu pico atinge os 758 metros. Wikipedia
Bangalôs no Camping Monsanto
Located in the district of Castelo Branco, in o border region, emerges from the plain, west of Penha Garcia Mountain. It has a rare beauty, where the granite and manpower play the leading role. From its past prevail curious legends and stories linked to invasions and assaults to the village. It has a stone sculpture of a Saint, it gives a warm welcoming to the village. The narrow streets lead us to natural stunning works of architecture. For its authenticity, was considered the most Portuguese village of Portugal, it deserves the title due to the accuracy of conservation and exoticism.*carl0spais*YouTube 2011